The Importance of Quality Water

Well, partner, if you're lookin' to brew the best darn coffee this side of the Mississippi, you gotta start with the right water. Clean water with a touch of minerals is the secret to bringin' out those rich, bold flavors in your Buck Off Coffee.
If you're usin' reverse osmosis water, make sure to add them minerals back in, or your coffee will taste as flat as a dusty trail. And don't forget a dash of bakin' soda to keep that pH just right, or you might end up with a bitter brew.
Now listen here, partner, unfiltered tap water can taste as bad as a snake oil salesman’s promises—full of impurities and off-flavors. But water straight from the mountains? That’s the nectar of the gods, pure and crisp, with a natural blend of minerals that makes it taste like heaven in a canteen. Perfect for a Buckin' great cup a Joe!
When in doubt, head on over to the store and grab some mineral water—it's the best way to ensure your coffee tastes as good as a sunrise on the open range. Happy brewin', cowboy!

When you think of water... maybe you buy bottled, or maybe you drink straight from the tap. Whatever water means to you, it matters. The chemical composition of your water matters. And when it comes to Buck Off Coffee, the quality of your water matters. Buck Off Coffee's beans are roasted to work best with the Heritage Water Standards of the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA):

Heritage Water Standards

Water For Brewing Standards

The Statistics & Standards Committee of the Specialty Coffee Association has determined the following standards for the water used to brew specialty coffee. For a superior quality extraction of coffee solids, the brewing water should have these characteristics:


Characteristic Target Acceptable Range
Odor 1 Clean Fresh / Odor Free
Chlorine None None
Calcium Hardness 50-175 ppm CaCO3 50-175 ppm CaCO3
Alkalinity 40 ppm At or near 40-70 ppm CaCO3
pH 7.0 6 - 8
  1. Odor is based on sensory olfactory determination.
  2. Color is based on sensory visual determination.
  3. TDS measured based on 4-4-2 conversion.

The Target is the most desirable point in the Acceptable Range, although falling within the range is considered meeting the standard. These variances are in place to take into consideration real world circumstances, and the target gives the optimum measurement of each characteristic to strive for.

Other Links:
The Science of Water and Coffee
Water Quality for Coffee Beverages
The Role of Dissolved Cations in Coffee Extraction